Midway Logistics LLC

(316) 260-5074

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Contact Information

555 N Woodlawn Bldg 4 Suite 250
Wichita, KS 67208

Hours: 7a-4p M-F

Local: (316) 260-5074

Web: www.midwaylogisticsllc.com

Company Information

Federal MC Authority: 1007751
Established in: 2019
Member Since: Mar 2023
Company Desc: Midway Logistics LLC is a family owned, minority certified, small business located in Wichita
Kansas. Our customer driven focus is logistics with exceptional quality and service. We are a
Transportation Intermediaries Association Member providing expertise and cost competitive freight forwarding
profile image
Central Dispatch Certified
Received Ratings:
Mar 2023
Member Since:
* Ratings score is based on ratings given by carriers on Central Dispatch. A high score typically indicates that this transporter has a good relationship with its carriers.